Closing the Book on this Amazing KIT List Adventure!

8 02 2023

My dear friends and KIT List Community,

With heartfelt gratitude and a deep appreciation for each of you in this remarkable community, I want to let you know that I’m closing the book on this incredible KIT List adventure this February.

After 25 ½ years, I want to thank you all for being a part of this unique community that grew to over 72,000 top professionals simply by word of mouth and the power of friends helping friends. We estimate that over 135,000 people have been a part of the KIT List community as people unsubscribed as they found jobs, and then returned when they were looking again.

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to share over 176,000 job postings. We’ve also had many free “FriendWorking” events to learn a better way to network by helping others first. I’m grateful to the many hiring experts who generously shared their inside tips both in person and online in our free hiring experts panel events.

I’ll still keep many of the job tips and career management resources up online, as well as parts of the KIT List site. Please see the Resources section below for the links!

I’ve had the honor of meeting many of you in person over the years and connecting by email or phone. I’ve been touched by the quiet courage and heroism of so many who lost their jobs but had families depending upon them – often in very adverse situations like a dying spouse, a sick child, or some special need that made their burden particularly heavy. Yet their spirit of hopefulness, and the desire to do whatever they could to provide for their families kept me inspired to keep the KIT List going during the many times over the years I just wanted to close everything down.

A Time for Something New

Now that there are so many strong job search and career platforms, the KIT List has served its mission and purpose.

I’ve been hoping to dedicate my time to some new things that have been on my heart for a long time. It’ll be involving creativity and kids, who are our hope and future! I’ve also been winding down the KIT List for the past few years since I haven’t had the bandwidth that it demands.

The team at one of the many KIT List Events (Amy, me, Kelly)

I originally planned to close the KIT List in early 2020 – but then COVID hit the whole world. So, I didn’t feel I could close the community in good conscience when so many were out of work during such unprecedented times. That’s when my sister and co-moderator, Kelly, and I created videos to encourage everyone, and provide tips via interviews with hiring experts on how to get a job during a worldwide pandemic. The links to the “The Corona Videos” series are in the Resources section below.

A Bit of Background

In case you don’t know our story, I had no idea what I’d accidentally started in 1997 with my simple “Keep in Touch” email list with my friends at SGI. Had I known what it would entail back in 1997… I would have run for the hills! But I really believe it was God’s idea since I never intended to start anything like this. As friends told other friends about the KIT List, it grew to what I jokingly call “72,000 of my closest friends!” But once it took a life of its own, I just wanted to be a good caretaker of this unique community (that predated LinkedIn and the big job platforms).

It really meant a lot to hear from many of you when you got a job, and how heartening to hear that many of you landed multiple jobs from the KIT List! Someone recently told me that they’d landed four jobs over the years! It was so fantastic to hear from so many recruiters and employers that the KIT List community was their “secret sauce” for finding top candidates.

My Dad was the Real Inspiration for the KIT List

It was actually my Dad who modeled the spirit of helping many friends by keeping in touch over the years through phone calls, helping them find jobs, making hospital visits, or a sending handwritten card of encouragement. I still treasure his many notes to me, and they perk me up whenever I feel down! I wrote a tribute to him in my blog, which I’m SO grateful that I did since he died suddenly just a few weeks later. Here’s the link to “The Man Who Inspired the KIT List.”

Dad before Parkinson’s…he never lost his sense of humor!

Resources for Job Search Will Remain Up!

Over the years, we’ve had many free events with panels of career experts, plus special “FriendWorking” events to learn a warmer and better way of networking where you come with the idea of helping others first. We had hundreds turn out most events!

I’ve also tried to share encouragement and job tips (as well as the life lessons I was learning!) with our community over the years through my email messages to the entire list, and later through the blog posts. I’ll keep the blog up so people can access those tips and resources. Also, I was invited to have a KIT List show on a local TV station a few years back. I’ll keep those shows up since the interviews and inside scoop from the hiring experts remain very relevant. In fact, I received emails from people saying they watched them prior to job interviews – and LANDED THE JOB!

KIT List Resources to help you find a job you’ll love:

  • KIT List Blog – More career resources and job search strategies, how to network better through FriendWorking – plus messages I sent to the KIT List to encourage everyone during tough times and share personal life lessons I learned from my own “bumps in the road!
  • KIT List “Get That Job!” TV Show – The inside tips and best practices from the hiring experts on how to nail your job interviews – and ways to grow your career (we get emails from people who landed their dream job after watching these videos before interviews!).
  • KIT List Corona Videos” – My sister and co-moderator Kelly and I interview recruiters and employers on how to get a job in a pandemic (or any difficult market!)

A Heartfelt Thank You

It’s been an honor and privilege to serve this wonderful community. I’m so very grateful to the people who stepped up to volunteer their time to help me when the workload became overwhelming.

As the KIT List grew so quickly, I struggled to work on the KIT List in the late-night hours after I’d finished my own marketing consulting work (my paid job!). Some very special people stepped forward to volunteer their help when I was hitting the proverbial wall.

I want to thank Val Cienega, whom I hadn’t met at the time, but was a member of the KIT List community who came forward to volunteer as a moderator for many years! My dear friend from SGI, Amy Sloniker Plunkett, also pitched in and helped with the sheer volume of work needed to moderate and keep our community free of spammers and protect it from those wanting to exploit this large community. Then my wonderful sister, Kelly Connelly, joined in as well. Each of these gifted people had their own MORE than full time “real jobs” and helped in their spare time. I am deeply grateful to them!

Sometimes the best things in life are the unexpected ones. The KIT List was a surprise to me – and it took a life of its own thanks to each of you spreading the word to help your friends and colleagues.

The spirit of the KIT List is due largely to YOU. Your kindness and helping others will continue and grow in other wonderful ways. Thank you for being a part of the KIT List family!

Although the KIT List is officially closing in February, the power of helping others keeps growing as a force for good as you continue to share your gifts in our world.

Thank you for enriching my life in more ways than you will ever know,

Sue Connelly

Your KIT List Founder

Join me for our free webinar on 3/24: “Winning a Successful Career Transition”

19 03 2021

Hi Everyone,

I’m co-hosting a free webinar next Wednesday, with the ever-popular LinkedIn expert, Oscar Garcia, and Cory Hiromoto, who is a career expert on many social platforms.

We were on the All-Star Recruiter Panel a few weeks ago that had over 650 registrants. When over 150 stayed on after it ended for an extended Q&A session —  I realized there are many important questions you all have for a smarter job search.

So, we decided to host our own event to go into more depth on the big questions from that night – and with a live Q&A to specifically answer your questions.

Sign up below — and we look forward to seeing your smiling faces on Zoom!


Winning a Successful Career Transition
Wednesday, March 24th
7:00 – 8:30 PM PDT

Register for this FREE webinar here:

Transitioning careers can be like riding a big wave. Scary, exciting and fast-changing.

In this FREE webinar, you’ll learn vital tips from the experts to turn the power of the wave in your favor.

Has your job been impacted by COVID? Are you employed yet considering a job or career change?

No matter your situation, it’s smart to pivot and find new ways to navigate the waves of change to find and create your best work.

Register now for this free webinar if you:

  • Struggle with how to make your career story compelling to a recruiter or hiring manager
  • Need to position a gap in your resume effectively (COVID, caring for children or a sick loved one)
  • Would like help identifying strong industries to target
  • Want to use tools like LinkedIn to market yourself successfully

Join us to get fresh tips and industry insights from a lively panel of hiring and career experts, followed by a Q&A session with the webinar attendees.

Oscar Garcia is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Aspira Consulting, a Silicon Valley training and consulting firm. He is an introvert turned international speaker. Oscar has given over 400 seminars and trained over 16,000 professionals across five continents. His training style is of a “practrainer” – he actively practices what he trains others to do. He is also the host of the dynamic and engaging podcast, Career Talk With OG. As Chief Empowerment Officer, Oscar empowers you so opportunities come to you.

Cory Hiromoto is the Founder of Career Shakers and a Fortune 100 recruiter for one of the biggest and hottest companies. He has helped corporate professionals change careers and find their next job. He has spoken on the radio, workshops, technology events, and has a YouTube channel where he posts weekly career content.

Sue Connelly is the Founder of The KIT List, and President of Connelly Communications. Sue founded the KIT List community of over 72,000 job seekers, employers and recruiters to “help great people find great jobs.” It started when she was helping friends who had lost jobs. Sue’s REAL job is a marketing consultant creating marketing strategies and programs through Connelly Communications for high-tech and biotech companies.

SGI Virtual Reunion Tonight on Zoom at 7PM!

17 02 2021

It’ll be so great to see so many SGI friends tonight, which we’re hosting on Zoom since we can’t do our usual in-person event until COVID is a thing of the past! This will be a fun way to catch up, see familiar faces and swap SGI stories.

If you haven’t already registered for tonight, you need to register in advance here:

SGI Reunion on Zoom
Wednesday, February 17th
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (PST)

You’ll all be on mute when you join to avoid noise chaos with such a large group (120+ have signed up).

IMPORTANT: When you log into Zoom, please include your first and last name which will help the way a name badge does!

If you’d like to talk, we’ll just use the chat tool or hand raising tool (or physically raise your hand). When I call out your name, just unmute and you’ve got the floor! Tip: try to keep it short and sweet. Then be sure to mute yourself again after. 😉

Here are a few ideas of what bring tonight so we can have some fun!

  • Pour yourself your favorite beverage (cocktail, wine, beer or mocktail!)
  • Wear some SGI gear that you haven’t given away yet!
  • Share a photo (Lip Sync Contest anyone?)
  • A funny or memorable story (was anyone there when the actual pizza slice was shipped out in the Pizza Box?)
  • Did you meet anyone famous who was visiting? Clinton, Spielberg, Michael Jackson…
  • What creative ways are you getting through this COVID adventure (new hobbies, or getting back to old ones, new culinary talents?)
  • What do you appreciate now after nearly a year of COVID restrictions? Any great ideas to share about new ways to keep in touch?
  • Where are you living and working these days? Who has moved out of the area (and are you buried in unseasonal snow now? Seattle, Oregon, Texas, brrrrr!)

Here’s the basic game plan:
7:00 – 7:30:  Welcome and catching up
7:30 – 8:15: Move to Breakout rooms (or you can stay in the main room with me). NOTE: You can move from room to room, and you will be able to see if anyone you know is in that room.
8:15 – 8:30: Back to the Main Room (share any especially funny or interesting stories from your breakouts)
8:30: Turn off Zoom and watch Netflix!

It’ll be so great to see all of you tonight!


Join us for free All-Star Recruiter Panel tonight at 7PM (PST) Get the inside scoop on interviews and LinkedIn to land a job!

1 02 2021

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick reminder to register by the 5:00 deadline for tonight’s panel of Recruiter All-Stars.

Since it’s online, we can handle up to 1,000 and over 500 people have registered already. So if you’re interested in getting the latest job search and career strategies from this expert panel, you’re welcome to join us!

I’ll be on the panel, too, to share my tips from a KIT List community perspective and what I hear from employers and recruiters. 

This panel is hosted by the Northside Branch of the Santa Clara Library, by the amazing branch manager, Cheryl Lee. We’ve had KIT List panel events there previously. They’ve moved their events online due to COVID so events are to anyone, anywhere!

Please sign up using the link below, and address any questions directly with the library at NOTE: This event will not be recorded, so please attend online!



All-Star Recruiter Panel

Monday, February 1st at 7 PM (PST)

Registration is required by 5PM on 2/1/21 to receive the Zoom link at:

Well 2020 was a bust! We are hopeful that 2021 will bring optimism to a dismal job market. We have assembled an all-star career panel that will help you find your next job opportunity. This is your chance to get your questions answered by industry experts, career coaches, and recruiters! Some topics that will be covered are:

  • Growth industries that are hiring NOW besides medical
  • How to navigate searching for a job during (what seems like) a never ending pandemic.
  • Where job opportunities are in the Bay Area and beyond.
  • Out of the box strategies a recruiter and/or hiring manager’s attention
  • Learn how to stop getting lost in the applicant tracking system

Registration will end on Monday, February 1st at 5 pm PST. 

Participants who have registered will be given access credentials on February 1 by 6 pm PST.

Our panelists include:

Sue Connelly is the President of Connelly Communications and founded the KIT List community of over 72,000 job seekers, employers and recruiters to “help great people find great jobs.” Sue’s real job is as a marketing consultant in the Silicon Valley. Through Connelly Communications, she provides strategic planning and program management to connect companies with their customers in better ways that ignite fierce customer loyalty which drives greater revenue. Sue’s love of marketing led to her creating and teaching marketing and communications best practices webinars to help companies raise the bar of expertise within their own marketing teams. To join the KIT List community to receive or post job opportunities, go to

Cory Hiromoto is a Fortune 100 recruiter and his career coaching business, Career Shakers, has helped corporate professionals plan out their careers and find their next job. He’s spoken at workshops, technology events, radio shows, and has a YouTube channel where he posts weekly career content including the Life Switch podcast where he interviews entrepreneurs and other professionals who have switched careers.

Albert Qian is founded Albert’s List in 2013, a job search community with 32,000+ members connecting job seekers, recruiters, hiring managers, service providers, and hiring managers. We have driven over $5 million+ of salaries across the country including hires at GoPro, Google, Cisco, and Ingram Micro and reduced the time of job searches substantially.

Thor Swenson is Partner and Managing Director of Lagom, an international consultancy focusing on Human Capital, Change Management, and Organizational Design. He has a degree in sociology from Louisiana State University and has led talent acquisition, training, leadership development, and change management within multi-million dollar organizations. Thor is a strong proponent of aligning performance for success through effective human capital management in any organization he works with.

Yash Voltaire is a consultant focused on the Human Capital side of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Integrations. He has a degree in industrial-organizational psychology and prior experience within the Big 4. He has driven organization transformations and developed operating models for major oil and gas organizations. His focus is developing scalable and sustainable organizational designs and talent strategies that set organizations up for multiple years of success.

This program is sponsored by the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends. 

If you have questions about the program, please contact

Silver Linings from 2020 – and Wishing You a Bright Year Ahead!

6 01 2021

Hello Everyone,

As 2020 fades further in the rear mirror, I think we will discover more gifts that resulted from the adversity of this remarkable year.

From the big heroics to the million little kindnesses, I think this challenging year called out the best in us. It has also given me an appreciation for things like hugs, dinners with friends, and smiling at strangers.

I’ve been lucky to have my sister Kelly (and KIT List co-moderator) living with me, since she was at my house recovering from minor surgery when COVID first hit. It’s been so great to have her upbeat spirit and company during those initial dark days, and the twists and curves ever since.

Laughing during our KIT List (very DIY!) videos

Kelly and I actually did five videos to encourage our KIT List friends – which we jokingly dubbed “The Corona Videos” – with ideas on what we can each do to help neighbors and friends. We also interviewed hiring experts who gave tips on how to pivot and flourish during a pandemic. You can watch the Corona Videos here.

Keeping the KIT List Going

We decided to keep the KIT List going after the Yahoo Groups platform went away forever on 12/15. Kelly and I just couldn’t close it in good conscience as long as so many people lost jobs due to COVID.

Thank you for bearing with us as we tried to save as many emails of our community as possible as we moved to the new email platform on Friends or colleagues can subscribe through the KIT List site. We’re still ironing out some things, and we’re truly grateful for your kind words of support during this adventure.

I think we will actually look back fondly (at some point soon!) on some of the silver linings that came from this unique year: more time with loved ones, simplified schedules, Zoom calls in our PJs, looking out for the elderly friends and physically fragile (often through windows), and the friendly wave of a hand from someone completely bundled up yet with eyes smiling above a face mask.

We are all stronger and better as a result of the surprises and demands of 2020.

Wishing you and yours a joy-filled and HEALTHY 2021!

Sue and Kelly

How to Pivot During the Pandemic. New ways to work!

29 05 2020

Hi Everyone,

Kelly and I finished our 4th video (a very DIY home production!), “Pivot During the Pandemic” to help our KIT List friends…and any others who’ve been impacted by this pandemic.

Though COVID-19 has hit jobs, the economy and all of our lives, this is actually the perfect time to rethink your work.

Watch the video here:

KIT List Corona Video 4

Some jobs will not return for a while — so it’s vital to pivot your direction and thinking to find newer and better ways to work! This can be the time that propels you into something better. Perhaps starting your own business, or to find other ways to put your talents and interest to work in something fresh and rewarding.

Join Kelly and me in a lively discussion with online business strategy expert, Elyse Tager. Elyse helps people to pivot their thinking to create new opportunities through launching their own business — or growing their business from being a “solo entrepreneur” to building a larger company by thinking like a CEO!

Also, Elyse has offered a free 15-minute consultation call for any of our KIT List folks or for others who view the video.

Feel free to share ideas and resources in the comments section of the YouTube video or you can add ideas on the KIT List Facebook page, too.

We’re in this together!

Sue and Kelly Connelly
KIT List Moderators (and sisters!)

Free seminar on 5/15: “Transitioning Careers: How to Make the Leap”

14 05 2020

Hello Everyone,

Oscar Garcia, the LinkedIn expert who has been on KIT List panel events and on the recent KIT List Corona Video #2 is hosting a free webinar tomorrow.

His talks are always inspiring and informative — especially as many of us rethink our work during this pandemic.

Register free here:

Transitioning Careers: How to Make the Leap
Friday, May 15
12:00 PM (Pacific)

Presented by Oscar Garcia Aspira Consulting

You decided to make the “big leap” into your next career! Where do you start? How do you make the right choices? How do you transition your work experience to a new job?

This free webinar will help you gather your experience, and teach you how to make a smooth transition.

Webinar Topics
1. Lessons Learned from 11 Career Transitions
2. How to Make the Leap
3. Fine Tune Your LinkedIn Profile

12:00-12:05 Welcome
12:05-12:35 Webinar
12:35-1:00 Q&A

I hope you are all staying safe during this unique time and that you are able to find the opportunities this time will also give us as we think of new ways to work.



#COVID-19, #Jobs, #Career

Our Corona Video 3 is out…”Good news about jobs and growth amid COVID-19!”

16 04 2020

There is hope and great opportunity despite the pandemic.

Watch our Corona Video 3 to hear industry expert, Rene Siegel, CEO of Connext, share fresh input she heard from client companies who have frozen full-time job reqs but are pushing for much-needed help through remote consultants and contractors. She also relates promising news from a substantial financial report on a brighter economy that’s coming sooner than expected.

My sister, Kelly Connelly, who co-moderates the KIT List with me, is my video partner for this weekly series on what we all can do to make the best of this pandemic.

Kelly helping Easter BunnyIn this video, we also report on our adventures as the Easter Bunny’s helpers on a stealth mission on Saturday night to show just some of the ways we can connect with our neighbors and build stronger communities — while using safe methods and social distancing. We can still have fun and make a difference if we get a bit creative!

Watch the video now.

Please feel free to share ideas on what you are doing during this remarkable time to help others, how to find a great job, or how to make good use of the time and opportunities while the world shelters in place together!

You can also add your comments and resources ideas to the comments section on YouTube for the video, or on our KIT List Facebook page.

How to get a job during the Pandemic, free skills training, and fun ideas to connect to neighbors!

9 04 2020

Hello Everyone,

The second YouTube KIT List video is now out! In it, hear tips from LinkedIn expert, Oscar Garcia, on how you can use this unique time to land the job you’ll love.

There is still a LOT of hiring activity going on, so don’t be discouraged and use this remarkable situation as a special opportunity to reach out!

Corona video 2My sister (and co-moderator!) Kelly and I also share URLs in Video #2 for free Ivy League classes and other ways to build your skills or expand your creative mind during this shelter-in-place time.

You can also see our first video where we talk about why we’re doing this video series during the outbreak:

These Corona Virus Videos are also a way for you to share ideas and resources with the KIT List community and to our colleagues and friends. Please write your suggestions in the comments section of the videos, or on the KIT List Facebook page or blog. We will profile great ideas you share in the next video.

This is also an important time to get to know your surrounding neighbors. Often we might know a smiling face and a first name, but this is a key time to connect and look out for each other (at a safe distance!).

In the videos, Kelly and I share ways we’ve connected with my own neighborhood while Kelly stays at my house during SIP. It’s been great to have her here while she recovers from foot surgery!

We are even planning some stealth work on Saturday night to help the Easter Bunny by planting plastic eggs filled with candy in the front yards of young neighborhood kids — with their parents’ permission, of course! We’ll be using gloves and masks to assemble and deliver them. But I can’t promise that I won’t dig into some of the chocolate for my own consumption as well. 😉

Kelly and I wish you all continued health and safety, and that you have a wonderful Easter and  Passover,

Sue and Kelly Connelly