An important event for young girls and teens at the Girls’ Festival in San Francisco on 10/15

19 09 2016

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share the news about a powerful and fun Girls’ Festival that WorldWide Women is hosting to help thousands of girls of all ages, covering leadership, STEM, career planning, wellness and more.

Come to the first-ever WorldWideWomen Girls’ Festival
Saturday, October 15
in San Francisco!

Tickets are $10 per person, girls under 12 attend free.

Register now at:

Join them for a day of fun, exploration and empowerment!

imageThis festival will bring thousands of girls together to help them discover programs and services available just for girls, make new friends and get inspired to become their best. These programs and services will cover 4 important areas of life: future, possibilities, power and body.

There will be plenty of activities for girls of all ages to choose from throughout the day:

– Participate in workshops, such as “find your dream” career speed mentoring session all day long and “map your future” leadership and skill-building activities.

– Enter contests, including the BizWorld Girlpreneur Competition (a.k.a. shark tank for girls) by September 25th for a chance to win and present their ideas in front of Mark Cuban and Tim Draper!

– Visit exhibits, watch performances by girls’ groups and listen to inspirational speakers.

– Learn about education, STEM, career planning, leadership, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, safety and more.

– Check out science, fashion and art projects created by girls in the makers’ space, and enjoy a Super Cool Girls Fashion Show. Then, take your fitness to a new level with expert sports clinics and demonstrations.

Please help spread the word in social media using the #WWWFestival hash tag.

If you have a young women in your life, this is a must-attend event! Help them on their journey to adulthood!



100 Scholarships for Girls to attend Summer STEM Program free. Deadline 4/1/15

27 03 2015

Hello Everyone,

At a great event I attended last night, Women of Influence, hosted by Tech In Motion, I heard from an impressive panel of women start-up founders and CEOs on a host of topics. But one that was clear is the vital need to encourage young girls to explore and feel confident in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

I also heard about a special program by ID Tech and that is providing 100 scholarships to young girls to attend the STEM Summer Program free of charge (at various locations nationwide).

NOTE: The deadline is 4/1 to apply!
Please see the details below.

Please help spread the word and share this with friends and parents of young girls and teens!

Thank you all,


20150327-161017.jpg100 Scholarships for Girls to Attend Summer STEM Program free

Application deadline 4/1/15

Girls can apply for a scholarship at

The world needs more girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). That’s why iD Tech has partnered with to give 100 girls scholarships to attend iD Tech Camps — free!

At this weeklong summer program, students ages 7-17 create mobile apps, design video games, mod with Minecraft, build robots, code with C++ and Java, produce movies, and more.

Programs are held at over 100 campuses nationwide.

In addition to iD Tech Camps for girls and boys ages 7-17, we also offer all-girls programs for ages 10-15, half-day camps for aspiring innovators ages 6-9, and 2-week, pre-college academies for teens ages 13-18.